There is a risk of more jellyfish in the Mediterranean sea - as a result of higher temperatures – so measures are being put into place this month to help combat the problem.
According to experts, the water is already hitting 30 degrees centigrade - five more than the average temperature during the hottest months of the year.
As this is attracting more jellyfish, six fishing trawlers equipped with special nets will be on alert throughout the summer to catch them.
The six boats - from Villajoyosa, Benidorm, Calpe and Santa Pola – will take to sea the moment an alert comes through and more than 200 volunteer observers are on the lookout for the jellyfish.
A 25-mile-long net in the Mar Menor will also protect swimmers from the stings of jellyfish this summer, a spokesman of the regional department for agriculture announced this week.
The net is specially design to keep jellyfish away from swimming areas and it is scheduled to be installed this month (June).
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