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Posted by 
Michelle Hughes
20th October 2020

With everything on the news about COVID-19, we have had people asking us if the office is still open and if viewings are possible.

Yes, we are still actively working with clients who want and need to buy, sell or rent property. While our business does put us in contact with a lot of people at any given moment it is easy enough to adhere to the recommended precautions and distance between each other.

For the most part, it’s business as usual-ish. The "ish” being that we are certainly approaching our interactions and daily travels with more thought and care than usual:

  • In the first instance, please see try a virtual viewing where possible and look at the property from outside to check it seems right for you and you like the location
  • If you are felling unwell at all please cancel the appointment
  • Face masks worn in the office and at viewings, along with the use of hand sanitiser
  • The number of people viewing should be kept to a minimum -  ideally two adults as a maximum. If you do bring children please  make sure they don’t touch things
  • At the property, please don´t touch non-essential items/surfaces
  • Face to face meetings as brief as possible and only when necessary
  • Keeping the recommended distance between ourselves and others when we do meet in person
  • Not having clients in our car and meeting at properties instead
  • Office closed on Saturdays and appointments only
  • And of course, no hugs, high fives, or handshakes with our clients when we get their house sold or rented

Of course, if things change, I’ll let you know. But for now, it’s more or less business as usual.

Stay well!

Visit our Office

Mon - Fri 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Sat / Sun - closed
VillaMia Real Estate S.L.,
Av. de la Llibertat, 9H, 
03730 Xàbia, Alicante

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VíllaMía offers a complete service, including rentals, sales and property management in Jávea, Moraira and Denia.
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